

On Mother’s Day May 10 th , 2020, my beloved mother died after a short battle with ovarian cancer. She was 77 years old. She had 38 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; and she’s survived by 36. She died at home surrounded by most of her children, grand-children, and daughters-in-law. The room was so packed with her loving family. It was her wish to die, quickly, at home surrounded by her children and lots of prayers. And for that we are grateful. She was graceful and died with peace and love in her heart. Our hearts are full of sadness and our tears are still wet, but we are joyful that she didn’t suffer for too long. Her final hours on this earth were graced with calm, love, and prayer that sealed her well-lived and eventful life. This is part of her story. Amina Khelah, my sweet mother, was born in Yafa, Palestine in 1943. She was five years old when she and her family were displaced as a result of the 1948 Israeli-Arab war. She became an internal refugee and s...

Her voice

Her voice strikes me as a rainbow of complex emotions, sad and yearning yet hopeful and reassuring. ... Thanks.

Trurh Matters

Trurh matters, for without it we have nothing.

On These I stand

 I believe in the inherent dignity of every human being. I believe in freedom of expression and freedom of worship. I believe in human rights and equal rights for everyone: women, ethnic and religious minorities, immigrants, LGBT, and the disabled. I believe BLACK LIVES MATTER. And I defend the constitution and the separation between church and state. The America I know and love is good, compassionate, tolerant, and fair. And that is one vision.

God is Love

We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. We are here to create, not destroy. God is love, not hate.

My friends

My friends are whites and blacks. I am not color blind. They're mostly uppermiddle class. They are wealthy in material and in spirit. They embody the Midwestern values: down to earth and ready to lend a hand. They don't complain about paying taxes. They don't complain about Obamacare, though they don't benefit much from it. They don't judge others. They don't single people out based on trifles. They're not selfish. They're Atheists and Christians and Unitarians and straight and gay. The men I know respect women (a prerequisite to hang out with me). But what binds them all is their belief in the principal of human solidarity and the inherent dignity of everyone and the American values. I tip my hat. And am lucky to be in their company. The political waters are choppy and turbulent, but I still believe we are that shining city on a hill. Don't ever lose hope, and don't dim the lights of our beloved village. America.

One human race

We must unite as ONE human race. Our DNA is 99.9% the same. We must evolve to save ourselves on this tiny blue dot. We are so alone in this enormous universe. I want to think that there are more of us who want this than don't. We must not allow those powerful political and religious forces to tear us apart.